Monday, September 9, 2019

Prodigy Game

For this week’s resource blog post, I decided to research helpful math websites that teach students new and fun ways to learn math. I came across a website called “Prodigy”, a roll-play game that teaches students math lessons along the way. From what I read and observed on the website, it seems like a very helpful source for elementary and middle school math teachers. Some interesting things I read on the website included it has curriculums and skills for students to learn from first to eighth grade, motivates students to learn outside of the classroom as well as in the classroom, and offers incentives in-game that help keep the students interested and engaged in learning. Not only does it help the students, but the teachers as well. At the bottom of the page is a link to teacher articles that help make lesson more engaging and effective. These articles include tips and tricks to help keep your student engaged, but also they have more websites and games that teachers can use to change things up in the classroom. The amount of potential sources and articles this website has as well as the potential for learning provided for the students is astounding. This website is a special tool available to both students and teachers, which is very hard to find. Overall, this website is very useful and a great source of learning and engaging with students and connecting modern technology with traditional learning.

Word Count: 244

1 comment:

  1. Carter,
    I think this is a great resource you found! It seems to really engage students to have fun while learning math. I am also math content area, so I can see how this website would be useful in and out of our classrooms, giving students an opportunity to practice problems without having to use their textbook. I think it is important that we use resources other than only the textbook. As for other content areas, I’m sure that there are similar websites that can promote additional learning in a fun, new way! Thanks for sharing this resource!

    Word Count: 98
