For my resource blog, I found an article titled "We Should Teach Math Like it's a Language”, written by Jeannine Diddle Uzzi. This article stood out to me because of its title. Math as a language? That just does not seem write. But as I kept reading the article, I realized that it makes complete sense. Jeannine compares learning math to learning Latin. At first I was skeptical, but the idea that math builds on itself might seem obvious but in hindsight, this is one of the reasons why students have such a hard time with math. One problem that is evident in our higher education system for the United States is that “instead of encouraging them to start anew in order to reinforce their skills, we test them, label that review ‘remedial,’ and withhold college credit from them,” (Uzzi, 2018). This turns many students away and gives them the idea they are not good enough to take a higher level math. This process of throwing students in “remedial” courses and discouraging them from taking other higher-level math classes is a main reason why we are seeing less and less students follow the path of math-lead careers, including math teaching of any level.
Word count: 205